The world of Untitleds is a community-based curated educational resource focused on culture in a broad meaning of the term. Cross-disciplinary and artistic in approach, it is spread over 22 areas of interest. Visitors and students can purchase subscription to unlock the entire contents of the website as well as access to live events.
Areas of interest:
Palaeontology, natural sciences, and climate change/capitalocene problematic.
Experimental literature and artists’ books.
Science-fiction literature and cinema.
Post-colonial and decolonial theory and art.
Contemporary philosophy and media theory.
A fresh look at the ancients: Egypt, Greece, Rome.
History and current socio-political events.
History, theory, and sociology of religions.
Auteur cinema and narrative videoart.
Circus, theater, and/or performance art.
Abstract art.
Figurative painting.
Photography and video art.
Conceptual art
16. Poetry.
17. Music.
18. Architecture.
19. Anarchism.
20. Street and public art.
21. Medicine.
22. Math and AI.